Friday, September 25, 2009

My very own space

I have been sharing the office space in our house with Larry and the boys for 26 years, 9 months and 25 days. This was really okay and very workable until I started going back to school and collecting mass quantities of books and inheriting all kinds of writing material from my parents. Last weekend I went looking for something I wanted to reference in a paper I am working on, and realized that the aforementioned items are ALL OVER THE HOUSE! So, after much discussion about where and how, today I am going to create my very own office space, wherein I will put all of the materials I may ever need in one room.

I woke up at 5:15 today thinking about my very own space and realized that it has indeed been 26 years, 9 months and 25 days since I have had a space that I could call my own, decorate as I wished and keep my treasures. I am pretty excited about this. There is a bit of deconstruction which must take place before the space can be made mine... I have to remove all the magazines and books left behind by my first born, take down all the pictures and posters he left behind and fix the holes in the walls. Then I get to paint, rearrange the furniture to fit my needs and move in! I will have my very own bookshelf where I can organize my books and binders. The question for this morning is; which color should I paint my office today? I am thinking a warm color, not too dark, but rich... possibly a muted orange. Fortunately I have a plethora of paint color samples that I have been collecting over the years from which to choose.

You are probably thinking... geez Martha, you have a whole house you have decorated and arranged, why is this such a big deal? It is a very big deal to have a space that belongs to me, over which I have complete control. And I am thinking that only someone who has shared her house with five other people for about twenty years can really understand how I feel today.

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