Monday, September 7, 2009

Real Friends

Recently I have been thinking about my friends (and you know who you are!). And I have come to the conclusion that there are two characteristics which are necessary for me to be able to call someone my friend. 1. My friends are the people who I can count on to be there for me, without judgement. Male or female, these folks would come to my rescue if I needed them to, but more importantly, they are the ones who will be honest with me no matter what. "Yes, those jeans make your ass look huge", or "you've got something green in your teeth", or "that is a stupid idea!" are all phrases which signify to me a true friend. I am one of the fortunate ones who has friends like that. I have friends who have stuck by me no matter what kinds of stupid decisions I have made, or where I have gone, or even how stupid my ideas actually were. You know who your friends are because they are the ones who don't disappear when you are having a rough time. (Fair weather friends need not apply.)
2. My friends are those people for whom I can be truly happy when something good happens to them. I have a few friends who have recently gotten their dream jobs. And while I am struggling with the feelings of rejection, and not being worthy or wanted, they have found their professional homes. I was thinking yesterday that while I envy their new positions, I am in fact very happy for them. I am actually happy to see that someone I care about now has something that will make them happy. It is the same kind of joy I have felt when my children have gotten in to something which makes them happy. These are the people who know that I will be there for them if they are down or in trouble or just want a home-cooked meal. These are not short term acquaintances, but people who know (or should anyway) that no matter what, I will love them for who they are.

And now they have something which makes them happy and I am... simply thrilled. Now, the rest of you... find something that makes you happy because I need all the positive Karma I can get!

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