Thursday, October 22, 2009

Finished at last

Okay so it took us about a month, but we finally moved the last piece of furniture back in to the fully renovated room last night. I then spent the rest of the night loading my books onto the book shelf in what I hope is some kind of logical order. Of course the shelves are full and there is still the matter of the half dozen boxes which are still in the basement, but I will get to those and figure out what to do with them eventually.
The best part is that I find I really like having the window right next to my desk. From that vantage point I can easily see the world going past, but more importantly, I can watch the seasons progress. I hope the solace that brings me will help me to stay focused on the task at hand.
Also, there is still ample space for the "guest bedroom" portion of the room. There is a single bed, empty dresser and TV.... just in case someone comes for a visit. I love having guests in my house. Of course there remains a bit of a mess in the bathroom which I will have to deal with tomorrow!
The last part of this evolution is to choose which pieces of art to frame and hang. I know my global cow will find a home on the wall in this room, but I am thinking I will also hang a print that I bought at Istanbul Modern and the poster from the Istanbul European Choir Concerts. But first and foremost, I have to find just the right spot for a Lucky Eye. At this point, I need all the luck I can get.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Autumn and renovations

Autumn is probably not the best time to do renovations in your house, but like many things in my life that is just how the timing has worked out! I just realized that it has been a little over three weeks since I started on this project and thought an update was overdue. This project has taken a bit of added time because the weather in Michigan is not very cooperative in October and I have had to do the work around my busy schedule at the Writing Center. I really only have three days each week when I don't have to work, and between that fact and the humidity levels in Michigan this time of year it is taking longer than I had envisioned... like things do.

Once I had sanded the old finish off the floor (by hand!) in Dan's old room the staining went pretty quickly. However the polyurethane did not want to dry since it was, of course, raining. That room only has one window, so Larry had set up a fan which blew the dust, while I was sanding, and the fumes outside. But it still took five days to finish that part of the project. Next came taping off the walls so I could paint the trim. Crawling around the room on the floor #2. (#1 was with the sander.) Then I had to paint the trim... crawling around the room on the floor #s 3 and 4 since it took two coats to cover well. Then I had to let that dry completely, and again it was raining so that took longer than I expected. Then I had to move the tape so we could do the walls - pulling the tape off the walls around the trim and moving it to protect the newly painted trim (crawling around the room on my knees#5). Now, I thought, the fun begins! Of course when you paint a room the first thing you have to do is "cut in" the room. This meant once again getting down on the floor to paint the walls around the trim of the room - #6!

The color I had chosen was a bit brighter orange than I had envisioned. Once the walls had their first coat I told Larry we could just leave it like that and paint some jack-o-lantern faces about the room and it would be cool... he did not agree. We had always wanted to try various kinds of faux wall finishes, so we got out all the 'toys' (sponges, rags, etc.) stirred up the can of yellow paint and began to play around on the small wall that would be behind the door most of the time. What we learned from that experience was that we didn't really like anything we tried... for all kinds of reasons. So, it was time to go to the computer and my new best friend, Bob Villa.
We spent a couple of hours looking at various websites and trying their recommended techniques until we came onto the one that we both liked - faux leathering the walls. Next time I do a room I will choose two colors that are not quite so contrasting, and probably richer - especially if it is a big room... but the technique leaves you with a finish that is unique and lovely. I plan to finish the walls tomorrow and move the furniture back in over the weekend.

I know my kids will be horrified when they find out that I painted this room orange and yellow, and my knees may never recover from this abuse, but I think it will be worth it when I am done. Or, I can just move everything back out and start over!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My baby boy

Exactly 20 years ago it was a clear crisp night in a small town in Indiana. Larry had the camera out and went out on our balcony to get some fresh air. He called in to me as I labored, that there were "a jillion stars out" that night. "Great" I growled between contractions, "If it's a girl, we'll name her Jillian Star Jerrim".

My midwife Kristen, and her assistant, Larry and Judy were all there to greet him as he finally joined our family at 6:40am. He was perfect. Sometimes when babies are born they look kind of scrunched up, wrinkly, or alien, but this baby was perfect. He was enormous, as far as newborns go, weighing in at 9 lbs, 14 oz, but he was beautiful. After cleaning us all up, introducing him to his Dad and brother, and eating a good breakfast, we both fell asleep. It had been a long night.

I awoke to somthing soft on my cheek. When I opened my eyes this tiny person was looking me straight in the eye with a look of wonder in his blue eyes as his tiny fingers touched my face. My heart constricted in my chest, I held my breath, and in an instant I knew that I would love this child forever. "Thank you, for coming to be with me" I whispered to him.

When you have a child life becomes a real adventure. You have your own hopes and dreams for that child, but every day is a suprise. He says or does something which brings a smile to your face and once again, your chest will have that catch, where the love swells up and almost hurts, but then explodes in a wave of love and pride that washes over you. I could go on and on about my children, but I am pretty sure it is unnecessary. Anyone who knows them at all will understand. So, today, I am wishing my baby boy the happiest of birthdays. Flourish and prosper sweetheart, and, once again, thank you for coming to be with me.