Monday, September 28, 2009

My Office Space

Okay, so the simplest things somehow manage to turn into huge projects in my little corner of the universe. Putting all of my books together on one shelf in Dan's old room has somehow turned into an entire renovation project and I spent the weekend sanding the old finish off the hard wood floors - with an orbital sander. This was kind of fun, until I tried to get my big butt up off the floor! Then I realized, once again, that I need to lose some weight and recreate some muscle mass! Every major joint hurts. This was compounded by the fact that I then got to spend Monday evening, once again, on my hands and knees putting on the stain. I've got to say that I felt pretty stupid when I put the stain on the scratches in the closet - where I hadn't sanded and the stain made the scratches disappear... for the most part. I probably didn't need to have sanded the entire floor.

Today's project is to apply the first and second coats of polyurethane and then leave it alone until Friday. My plans, however may be put on hold at that point since it is cold and rainy here, and it doesn't look like it is going to let up anytime soon.... and so the floor may not dry as quickly as I plan. The problem with these types of projects is that one little thing leads to another and another and another. All I initially wanted was to have a place for my books, and now I am going to be spending a few weeks renovating the room. Of course, I know I should be doing this, the room needed renovating badly. And, I am excited to see how the whole project turns out in the end. But geez... why couldn't I just wave my magic wand and have it that way right now. Patience, apparently is not my forte.

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